The Sienese Shredder - Art Design Literature Poetry Music Culture News
Sienese Shredder 4 Now Available

Limited Edition Slipcased Set The Sienese Shredder 1–4
Available now




Cache of Rain, 2008

Gold Flecked Web, 2008

Springtime!, 2008

Skull, 2008

Tim Davis



The Big Shot of Moist Haven, 2006

Fresco, 2008

The Registrar of Cycles, 2007

Voidfill, 2008

TIM DAVIS is an artist and poet living in Manhattan and Tivoli, New York, and teaches photography at Bard College. He is the author of four books of photographs, My Life in Politics (Aperture, 2006), Illuminations (Greenberg Van Doren Gallery, 2006), Permanent Collection (Nazraeli Press, 2005), and Lots (Coromandel Express, 2002). He is also the author of two books of poems, American Whatever, (Edge Books, 2004) and Dailies (The Figures, 2000) His next solo show in New York will be at Greenberg Van Doren Gallery in March, 2009. For information go to

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